March 9, 2025
  • March 9, 2025

Source: Dr. Hamad bin Sarai

Camel has characteristics of beauty and perfection. The camel prescribers say: If you look at the camel from the front and find its body from the back protruding, or if you look at it from the back and do not see its head, then this camel has beautiful and complete descriptions of beauty and beauty. By him to the camel so and so did not find a place for him to put it, as it was distinguished by all the characteristics that distinguish the camel from its peers in terms of beauty

Camel Breeds

Everyone knows, especially those who deal with camels, and distinguish the camel breeds from each other in terms of beauty, race and character. Each dunge is said to have its merging, according to the nature of the environment in which they live. The owners of camels are proud and boast among each other of what they acquire from the original strains of camels. He answers her with the well-known saying, your nostalgia, nor your nenk, or kindness insults you. In Oman there are purebred strains of Arab camels with one hump and have several names, and these names are according to what the experts and knowledgeable of camels have told us in the various regions and states of the Sultanate, and this is for example but not limited to. The word “bandage” or “race” means the origin of the camel and its home to which it belongs. Among these names: 1. A shout. 2. Permissible. 3. Lameness. 4. Low. 5. Ghazila. 6. Khreibish Girls. 7. Girls red eye. Sales 8. 9. Hamra girls. 10. His joy. 11. Girls Buida. 12. Fogs. 13. Daughters of Sahama. 14. Girls mycelium. . 15th . Prejudiced girls. 16. Sake. 17. Jafd 18 stamens. 19. Daughters of Quraitha. 20. Thursdays or Quintiles. 21. Gifts. 22. Rose Girls. 23. Daughters . Tuner. 24. Allaiba girls. 25. Black girls. 27 daughters of Reema. 28. Daughters of the bald eagle As for the famous stallions whose lineage took the lead and became famous in several competitions: 1. Antar. 2. Al-Aseel. 3. Lucifer. 4. Debian. 5. The bug. 6. Snuffer. 7. Maritime. 8. Blond. Samhan 9. 10. Two shouts. And each item of these bands differs from the other with a feature that distinguishes it from its peers, and those with experience know the origin of each camel from afar, and some are so informed by the firaasa that they know every band of footstool or as it is said from the footstool

How does camel hair change

Camels are known to change their hair with a cycle every year at the end of the winter season and the beginning of the summer. The change of the pile can be done in two ways: 1. Shearing the shear, using scissors and currently using an electric machine. 2. Friction by passing its body over trees, rocks and hard ground in order for the pile to fall off it. It is said that camels are raised or elal, and their hair changes when all their hair falls out of their body, and their body becomes smooth after the hair falls from it and resembles the body of an antelope, and it is said that the camel’s body clashes and after this period the camels prepare for the pollination season and it is called climate

The meanings of the vocabulary recognized by the camel people

The camel: It is the person who loads the things on the camel and moves it from one place to another, and these camels are his property

Al-Maskari: It is the person who rents camels From its owner in order to transport items.

Al-Tanaf: It is a person hired to herd camels

The hind: strong camel that has reached the age of pollination

Zamoul: a number of stallions or camels

The puzzle: the strong camel that is old

Al-Haim: The camels that circulate around the resource are thirsty and find no one to water them

I directed: that is, the camels came to the resource to drink with water

She explained: I drank again

Issued: that is, I left the place of drinking

Al-Atteen: The place where camels nap, especially when it is near the source of drinking

Al-Ardha Run: It is a traditional run and it is called Al-Hashemah Run in which two camels are launched so that they are parallel to the finish line and this race has no prizes. It is said to harden your mind

Tools that tie and drive camels

Khanagah: The rabqa is made of wool embroidered in different colors, known by the number, and placed on the neck of the camel

The stump: It is made of white goat hair, fiber, or silver and is at the head of the camel below the eye and above the nose in a circular motion

The khattab: It is made of black wool and is connected at the front end and by the hand of the one who leads the camel from the back end

Khuzam: It is made of black wool and is connected to the camel’s lavender, a circular ring of silver in the tip of the camel’s nose on the left side, to tighten the camel, especially difficult camels and raging camels

Restraint: It is made of fiber or hair and is used to limit the movement of the camel and not to move away from the climate

Iqal: It is made of wool and is used for the mind of the camel in order to control its movement and not to leave the climate

Diseases that hinder the camel’s pregnancy

The palm: it is the gathering of long pills in the camel’s vagina to prevent pregnancy with the camel’s desire for the camel and is treated by cutting these pills

Al-Atham: It is the presence of small pills scattered in the camel’s vagina that prevents pregnancy from occurring with the camel’s desire