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May 7, 2020

Khalifa bin Humaid bin Rakan Al-Wahaibi

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The echo of his rhythmical words describing His talent passed the borders to be presented in every camel-racing event inside or outside of Oman. His fans have been following him since the emergence of his talent in 2013. He is the commentator Khalifa bin Humaid bin Rakan Al-Wahaibi.The echo of his rhythmical words describing
Interviewer: Ahmed Nasser Al Junaibi

How was your start as a commentator in camel racing events?
My passion and love for camel racing started from childhood. I used to follow the famous commentators in camel racing. My start as a commentator was in 2013 at Ad-Dreez camel racing track in Wilayat Al-Qabil. Since that date, I have been commentating in camel racing events.
We know that you are a poet. How has your gift as a poet enhanced your abilities and skills as a commentator?
Being a poet is a gift by God. I participated as a poet in many events and some of my works were used in the Bedouin series (Wad Al-Theeb) in 28 episodes.In addition, poetry gift makes me a distinguished commentator.
Do you think that the field of commentary in camel racing has achieved development in Oman during the past years?
Yes, there is a tangible development in the field of camels in general. The field of commentary brings out new and distinctive talents annually; so we see every year new talents and new names in this field.

Do you have other hobbies for your spare time?

My hobby is to be very close to camels the camels fans.I also find my enjoyment in composing poems and travelling throughout the Sultanate.
What are the most famous camel races you participated in as a commentator?
They were Al-Fulaij finals and the round of His Majesty the Sultan’s Cup for camel races for the age of Thanaya. I also participated in Al Bashair Third Annual Arabic Camel Race Festival in 2018 and the track of (Khanjar Allqaya) won by the camel trainer Rashid bin Salem Al-Ghailani.
Who are the best commentators according to you?
The most famous commentators for me from the last generation were the late Ali Salameen and the late Salem Omar. I used to follow them since my childhood. As for this generation, they are Nayef bin Saud Al-Balushi, Saad bin Muta’a Al-Otaibi, Safah Al-Shammari and Abdul Rahman Ahmed Amin.