مارس 9, 2025
  • مارس 9, 2025
فبراير 14, 2021

Camel racing analyst Ali Neb Salem Al-Dariea

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The passion of camels and their races is being reunited with Arabs its analytical boards

Interview: Ahmed Bin Nasser al-Junaibi

The camel world is always renewed and carries excellence with international cadres that brighten its superiority in Various camel forums and especially technical analysis of camel races where racing are considered Camels are the first heritage sport among the gulf people and in this meeting, we host one of the heavens World-known in Worlds of Camels Which he knew of the calmness of the analysis and the technical outlook Balanced our meeting with camel racing analyst Ali Bin Salem Bouadad Al-Dari

For every distinction and creativity of a beginning… How did you start?
In the world of camel racing analysis?

I had a passion for the world from a young age and i studied
the specialty of the world, and either about the actual beginning in
Analysis of camel racing was on a channel Dubai Racing late 2009 and the beginning of 2010 specifically in a weekly analytical program called The Law was Lt. Col. Abdulrahman Ahmed Amin, I would like to thank him. For his great role in guiding me and giving me moral and encouraging motivation to move forward in the world of camel racing analysis.

At the beginning of your entry into this field do you there were difficulties or challenges you faced. In your global racing analysis career

A difficult public domain and every human being gets into This area should have a reconciliation of the Lord of the Worlds and then he sets a strategy and a line assigned to the beginning of the Atlantic after that for each my world of credibility in information and also neutrality, impartiality and avoidance of sensitivities and make all mac camel friends and give everyone has their right.

How do you see the evolution of the global side in the field of camel racing without having accompanying programs and studios that are held before and after the race in terms of finding future talents and talents?

there’s a great move in the evolution of camel worlds on
gulf level and that’s because of the great support that we’re witnessing by our rulers both for awards and for structures infrastructure or the advancement of publicity and there is another factor share in this shift which are the competencies that have been put in the right places also must we have to encourage and refine young talent to lead. The rudder of camels in the near future.

Late 2009 was my actual beginnings in law through Dubai Racing Channel

The world’s leading role in racing camels how to find it through your presence In this area?

As for the role of the world in the development of sport, yes.
He’s contributed to the speed of reporting and the information was already getting us the news today. The hour after four or a week either today and through TV screen or via networking sites i get to the meeting, and we get in the moment, and that’s why it’s the public is very important in conveying any event or any a sport both locally and globally.

Does camel programs have an impact on Public opinion?

Yes, there’s an effect on a large segment of the learning.
I knew it through the public and these programs on hybrids both analytical
Educational, documentary, or mobile races, and some of them participated and entered the world of Camels, too. Sports by mac camel when they see in them the euphoria of winning, joy and profit through prizes or sale of camels are forced to enter this world. Thank you, hallah. all and finally on this big boom that Camel racing has been witnessed in all its aspects.

One last word you’d like to go to?

One of the best memories I’ve ever forgotten is my participation in Oman as a global at the opening ceremony of The Square of The Besher, thank you. Those who promote camel sport in Oman also sent a letter of thanks to Alam magazine camels for their contribution to the development of races Camels are globally represented by the people of Oman it represents only The Arabs in general.

A major paradigm shift in camel world to provide the political structure of a sport Camel Racing